Winter Rodeo

Winter Rodeo

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bounder Moustache Wax, by Mr. Wax

Are you a Gentleman?  No seriously, are you a real MAN?  Does everyone around you know that you are a MAN?  If you are questioning whether or not you are in fact a MAN, you are most likely not a MAN.  You are probably a person with male genitalia but lacking in some respect.  I will say that it is probably due to the lack of facial hair on, or around, your mouth that speaks to the rest of the world that you are truly a MAN!

I, myself, am a Man.  A man with the upper lip coiffure that is highly regarded as "stellar", "bad-ass" or "KILLER".  Not to toot my own horn, but I was hiking yesterday with my lady and what she refers to as my "facial flair".   Upon the peak of the mountain we were climbing I met a man with a t-shirt that read, "Guns don't kill people, people with Mustaches kill people."  He offered his shirt to me as a token of his respect for my stache, but seeing as the Sun was going down I figured it would be best for him to keep his shirt.  (It gets cold up there!)  Had I another T that I was willing to exchange it would have been a great trade, alas I was wearing a shirt that was given to me as a gift.  Sadly, I had to decline the gesture of facial hair envy.

I attribute this story to two things:
1. Baller Genetics
2. Bounder Moustache Wax

Over the past couple years I have tried my hand at many different types of moustache styling treatments.  Some have been decent and others quite horrible.  Recently I was on the old Twitter and mentioned something about the stache.  I was greeted with an inquiry by Mr. Wax about whether or not I had tried the Wax Industries male grooming product.  I requested a sample of the product and within two weeks the package arrived.

I immediately went to the water closet and took my post exercise evening wash.  I trimmed the stache and applied Bounder Extra Firm Mustache Wax (Tested on Gentlemen, Not Animals).  The tube took a minute to warm in my hand before being able to apply, but once it had softened it went on smoothly and with little to no weight.  The hold was firm and was very shapable.  I applied from the base of the hairs to the tips and the Bounder did its thing.  The most considerable difference that I have noticed between Bounder and other wax products is that Bounder is made with Fine Caribbean Navy Rum and Vanilla Extract providing a simple yet delicious amount of fragrance.  The application was quite pleasant, and so were the reactions of the evening.

Over the course of the evening I noticed that the shape of my mustache was completely intact.  The tips were kept together without further shaping or care.  Beer on the stache?  No worries.  The Bounder held up to challenge of Boundary Bay Scotch Ale like a champion fighter kicking ass until the ring of the final round bell.  Even the next morn I was happily greeted in the mirror by smashingly shaped vibrissae.    A few small droplets of water and the tips were back in line for the bike ride home.

Important to note:  the Bounder held perfectly, but didn't change the color of my mustache like many of the other beeswax products on the market.

So, if you are in fact a MAN - get yourself over to Wax Industries and order up a tube of Bounder to turn your less than heroic facial hair into the thing that dreams are made of: a Valiant Moustache!


Anonymous said...

At last. A moustache wax worthy of confidence! I shall look no further. Thank you Mr Wax!

Big Roly

RobCML said...

Good day, sir. I too am a proponent of both fine moustaches, and Bounder's Moustache Wax. Glad to see you're keeping up the good form.


-Rob, from Canada.

Anonymous said...

so happy to see the stashe back! while very handsome clean are my favorite mustache man! <3

Interesting Perspective

I am always looking for new and interesting perspectives on Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Rock Climbing, Action Sports, and Marketing. Along with those topics some related issues that interest me are Sustainable Marketing and bridging the gap between the growing nature of businesses and the goal of enhancing the current sports industry business model to a healthier design for all!